I received my first copy of this book from my mom. It has been a lifesaver!
My children are the kind of kids who are more. More energetic, more emotional, more physical and more sensitive than their classmates, they stick out in a crowd. I love their creativity and their enthusiasm but they wear me out!
They wear out their teachers and caregivers too. This book helps parents and caregivers alike to reframe behaviors and character traits that are often describe negatively in a positive light. It reminds us that it is our job as parents to accept, accommodate and encourage our children while at the same time teaching them to succeed in society, school, and the world around them.
Most helpful to me is the positive language. Rather than viewing a child's more challenging behaviors in a negative light, Kurcinka reminds us of the benefits of living life outside the box. What would our classrooms look like if we were to make the paradigm shift to accepting and encouraging intense, persistent and energetic children rather than marginalizing them? I believe that the spirited children we know and love today will be the leaders, inventors and actors in shaping the future. Our job is to nurture them as they learn and grow so that when the time comes, they will be ready.
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