I have seen several movies that discuss various aspects of the food crisis facing America. GMO foods, e coli, animal cruelty and unhealthy, highly processed foods are causing a host of problems for people, animals and the environment. All these issues are complicated and can make feeding yourself and your family seem like a chore. However, this film reminds us of the importance of voting with our food buying dollars and of being informed consumers.
Corporate farms have lobbied to make raising and buying ethically raised, chemical and hormone free animals and plants difficult and in some cases illegal. Did you know that if GM corn cross pollinates a neighbor's field and the neighbor sells his corn he can be sued, for stealing and selling copyrighted genetic material!? This really happens, and Big Corn really wins! When genetic material became available for copyright, whole categories of food became illegal to grow and save seed. Some types have even been modified to be infertile, so that seeds must be bought each year, from the seed company that owns the rights, of course. This makes sustainable agriculture exceedingly difficult.
The animal industries are, if anything, worse, than the plants. The animals are fed diets that are completely unnatural containing grains, waste and "animal bi-products". They live their lives in crowded feed lots or cramped pens and resort to unnatural behaviors as they are driven insane by the conditions and treatment. To compensate the feed is laced with antibiotics that stave off infections long enough to allow the animal to fatten for slaughter. Chickens are kept in cages so tiny that they can not stand, and their beaks are removed to deter the cannibalistic behaviors they exhibit. Is it any wonder then that our meat is not as nutritious as it was a hundred years ago? The steak you buy is not the same thing your grandparents ate, it has different ingredients entirely.
There is hope. By becoming informed we can break the grip of the corporate food industry and take back our health and nutrition. Buying locally, growing our own and using organic, sustainable farm practices can turn around our families' health and increase wellness. By working together and sharing information we can push back against an industry that wreaks havoc in the pursuit of its' own bottom line.
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