I am naturally self sufficient-ish. I like to do things for myself and take pride in knowing what needs to be done and how to do it. Sometimes this is called a type-A personality. Some people call it bossy. I prefer self sufficient! This bible is the how-to manual for taking care of yourself and your environment. Written in England, it is the result of practice, research and blogging by brothers who are interested in a lifestyle that is close to the earth and allows people to rely on themselves for basic needs. Some cultural differences are evident; did you know that British zucchinis are called courgettes? From the French...
Despite the learning curve, everything from gardening, composting and cooking to cloth diapering and gray water recycling is detailed in a low-pressure manner that allows the reader to decide how far they are willing to go. Not everything suggested in this book meets codes in my area (New York is notoriously strict) but the enthusiasm and enjoyment that the authors express through their writing make this an encouraging read, regardless.
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